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Digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox

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Download snapshot and/or backup | DO Ideas

Sep 27,  · How to Convert Physical Windows Computer into a VirtualBox Image September 27, by joe0 The following article covers the process of converting a physical Windows computer into a VirtualBox virtual machine image in 3 easy to follow steps. DigitalOcean Debian to Arch. DigitalOcean deprecated Arch Linux a while back because it was relatively difficult to support due to the rolling updates. I wrote this script to bring it back! This script downloads a bootstrap Arch Linux image, updates it to the latest version, then overwrites the host operating system with it. Moisey Uretsky (Head of Product, DigitalOcean) commented · March 20, This is part of our product roadmap. Image portability both to and from our service is one of the keys that we are working on. The image download may be the first we offer after our authorization system is built in.

digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox

Digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox

It would be great if we could download a snapshot. I would use snapshot to replicate development environment on my local computer, I believe many others will do the same. It seems like many of these cheap VPS services don't allow you to easily download disk images. Linode does the same exact thing. Does that sway you, marketing and sales people?

I'd love to be able to download a snapshot or backup to have an offline version. I upgrade my VMs when a new version of Ubuntu rolls out. I'm fairly efficient with rsync, but to be able to download the final backup and snapshots would provide ease of mind. Also, instead of downloading directly, it'd be advantageous to attach my Google Drive account and "send" the final backup to my Google Drive.

More than 15 pages of comments on this and still no response. Maybe I'll consider hosting with someone else Have we had full radio silence on the behalf of Digital Ocean for years now? It would be good if we knew that it is useless to want this. This should be must feature as there are many scenarios where individual like to keep a backup of the image of project 1, project 2 or project 3 in the local system. Please make this digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox. I just need to be able to have a method of keeping a production system available in a hybrid environment.

Maybe force those who download a snapshot to make it "undeletable" for one month? This would be a huge feature. Without this feature, we are thinking of just moving to a Hyper-V environment where we can do what we want with our images. Without this, DO is basically giving their customers the middle finger while they collect more money.

Like another user who triple checks they are destroying the correct droplet, I do this as well. I'd also like to take a final backup and download it locally to ensure I have all my files moved to the new VM. When you take your snapshot, you can download the snapshot. Then, you can delete the snapshot off of DigitalOcean. When you're ready to use the snapshot again, you can upload it to your snapshots list, then be able to boot it up.

I understand if there is an issue with uploading your own snapshots then booting it up on DigitalOcean's servers, since you would be able to run literally whatever you want on the virtual machine, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox.

If that is a problem, then there should be an option to send an encrypted version to the user, Digital Ocean would hold the key for the file. When digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox user wants to upload the file, Digital Ocean would receive it, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox, and if the key fits, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox, it will accept it for a "runnable" machine.

In that process, the user would never know the key. The key would be long enough that they couldn't break it for example for a year. When that year is up, that key is invalid and the file is no longer acceptable for running on a DigitalOcean server.

With that, I also think the user should have the option to download their own virtual machine snapshot in plaintext, maybe not necessarily be able to upload their own virtual machine in plaintext if that is a security issue for you guys. I suppose one thing that might negate this is Ansible or Puppet Chef etc where I can keep track of the changes o a standard server and use that to pull one up with digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox latest config.

The droplet digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox terminating and recreating as a much smaller droplet with a new account owner - it would be much nicer to be able to do this in one process by:. Come on! I want control of what I backup, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox. Charge digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox a 1st month space fee if you want but let me access the snapshot file and download it to my off-site environment.

No buts here, this is base line security to take my snapshots off site from where the environment it is running. YOU don't want the liability! If snapshots exists in weird far out form that you don't want to touch then produce a user utility that we can run to zip it up and download it. Then you don't have to change a thing in your present storage and file utilization.

Since they're making a lot of money with paid snapshots, they're never going to implement this feature. This feature will add more confidence especially for developers. I would really love this feature because I would love to be able to secure my own snapshots personally. Although I know your service is very good, I would love to be able to store my data at my own premise. I wish there were at least an option to save your snapshots to oracle cloud archive or backblaze B2 as a "cheaper monthly cost" option :D.

Why are you guys not taking this serious?! It shouldn't be too hard in this age to get a download of your image. I can imagine that you will have to set this up at each datacenter, but it will also bring you more money. My buddy wants to cancel his droplet, I would love to take it over, but how I would definitely love to see this feature especially when I want to test things out on a copy of my production server, but offline via virtual machine would be a enormous benefit.

Although, I don't know how much resources you guys at DO will have to account for to make this feature worth the investment though. Giving me the ability to download my data protects me and my investment. Not having this option really says that DO doesn't care about protecting my investment.

Therefore, this is a must have in my opinion. I've come to expect complete control over my data from all providers that host personal data of any kind. So would anyone else. My droplet disk size is 30GB, so I know this is the disk I want to backup. From my local machine, I run the following command to download the entire disk image to a. This would be perfect, especially for longer term backups, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox, now that DO charges for the disk space for backups.

Hi everyone. A few users have touched on it but I wanted to draw some legal attention to the issue. Law firms such as DLA Piper are making pushes to ensure that a users "personal" data is easily transferrable. I think this is especially true for a paid service.

I'm not sure if "personal" data would constitute a snapshot or droplet image or not. I have a new customer on DO and we created a snapshot yesterday to download. We couldn't and I found this thread.

I'll advise other customers to steer clear from DO and go to other services. Hopefully you'll add this functionality. Ask us to pay the bandwidth if you have to, no problem with that. This is so basic there is no reason for it not to already exist except to take people's money with the new Snapshot charging. Absolutely this is digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox very important feature that should be added ASAP.

Specially now that Images are being charged. If one can stare images locally will be much easier to re deploy new droplets. I would like to suggest that we should have the snapshots downloading to our local machine from digtial ocean panel or can implement to other cloud service provider otherwise should not charge the snapshots usage on digitalocena panel.

Can we expect a release over the next three weeks or will the charges be pushed back to accomodate this? Hi, I believe that before charging users for the stored snapshots, we users have to had a way to download the snapshot for eventual future use Hi DO, any update on this suggestion? With the updated pricing and many many customers that are wanting this, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox, it would be nice to know if this is actually a feature in progress.

Suddenly rolling out billing for snapshots and backups without this feature is a real slap in the face. We as users are stuck between deleting our data or suddenly having to pay fees we weren't informed of when we were starting to use the feature.

You're putting us in a corner with a gun to our heads asking us to pay. A better response would be to grandfather the backups and snapshots from before this was announced.

Then if we want to actively use them, charge us monthly. Being able to download snapshots and backups is a must no matter what. At least the grandfathering would make it so that we the users aren't negatively impacted by the gaps in your features. I believe that this is necessary for those of digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox who do not want to pay for the monthly fee. I have snapshots of servers that have a lot of user data on them, and I don't want to lose that So I'm left with no options which actually turns me off to Digital Ocean, they're forcing us into that option; and I can't respect them for that.

Downloading snapshots and uploading them again would be a reasonable workaround, but alas, that's not available either, digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox. Droplets are cheap and effective, but with the new charge and the inability to download the snapshot, I will start using them only for digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox test code and leave my pre-defined VMs to other services for now.

I just came here to make this exact suggestion. Even if the file you download can't be edited in normal means, as long as it can be re-uploaded and used to restore a droplet, that's all that's necessary. Since you're going to start charging for snapshots, give us the ability to download and upload them so that we can store them offsite.

Hi DO. Mind to provide a tentative feedback to this request? After the notice on the charges for the snapshot? This will be helpful.

Very true, especially now that DigitalOcean is planning to charge for snapshots, this would allow offline storage of them, even if their own use was to be uploaded again due to proprietor format perhaps.

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Digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox

digitalocean download and convert to virtualbox

Migrate from VirtualBox to VMware. Migrating from VirtualBox to VMware is easy as well. Open the VirtualBox application, and select the option “Export Appliance” from the “File” menu. The above action will open the export wizard. Here, select the VM you want to . Nov 05,  · VirtualBox is a free and open source, cross-platform, software for creating, running and managing virtual machines on your system. VirtualBox was originally created by Innotek GmbH and released in The company was later purchased by Sun Microsystems. Oracle VM VirtualBox lets you create one or more VMs on a single physical server. To convert a VirtualBox vdi image to VMware, use the built-in VirtualBox command line utility VBoxManage. I’ll show you how! 1. First uninstall the VirtualBox Guest Additions from your VM to prepare for portability. 2. Next (if desired) copy image file to a temp location as a backup. 3.

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