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Amorc Supplementary Monograph | Consciousness | Soul
MASTER MONOGRAPH TEMPLE SECTION 4 ROSICRUCIAN ORDER h TTiii monograph always remains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A.M.O.R.C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member. Amorc Supplementary Monograph - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Pure Sufi presents Life Everlasting: Amorc Supplementary Monograph. Prepared under the supervision of H. SPENCER LEWIS, Ph.D., F.R.C. ANCIENT, MYSTICAL ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS WORLDWIDE JURISDICTION (T HE AMERICAS, AUSTRALASIA, EUROPE, AFRICA, AND ASIA) monographs, but for the entire list of benefits, and many others which are of such a personal nature and so diverse that they could not be.

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The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Order, amorc monographs pdf download. AMORC, both to members and nonmembers, because they are not the secret, private teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by presenting him with the writings, amorc monographs pdf download, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, it is quite probable that the reader will note at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with the Rosicrucian teachings or viewpoint.
But with the realization that they are mere- n? Throughout the supple- lentary series the authors or transla we have knowledge of their identity, amorc monographs pdf download. We offer these courses for those who wish to broaden their views by familiarity with the diverse opinions of prominent writers, amorc monographs pdf download, thinkers, and teachers.
The theories and concepts expressed, amorc monographs pdf download, although not necessarily wrong, are amorc monographs pdf download ous to the Rosicrucian philosophy. It is often by comparison with other views that we understand our own better. The following series are of the writings of that famous American his torian and philosopher, John Fiske, amorc monographs pdf download, born at Hartford, Connecticut, in and deceased in He became renowned as a lecturer on phi losophy in Harvard University, amorc monographs pdf download, and devoted many years of his life to philosophical theses.
The following lectures were first published in book form in The series entitled Life Everlasting is worthy of your most careful thought. His discourses will not carry you with them without effort. You will be obliged to exercise your mental pow ers, but you will profit thereby in a deeper understanding of self and Few incidents in ancient history are more tragic than the death of Pompey. The spectacle of the mighty warrior who had conquered the Orient amorc monographs pdf download contended with Caesar for the mastery of the world, amorc monographs pdf download, a de feated and despairing fugitive, treacherously murdered and lying un buried on the Egyptian strand, was one that drew tears amorc monographs pdf download Caesar himself and from many another.
Yet among the poets of the sixteenth century Renaissance there was one who took a amorc monographs pdf download view of the matter. Here the art of the poet lies in the boldness amorc monographs pdf download which he seizes upon one of the most subtle and startling effects amorc monographs pdf download contrast. In the very circumstance which to the ancient mind was the acme of hu miliation and horror his genius discerns the occasion for most ex alted panegyric, the bitterness of death is lost in the abounding triumph of the soul enlarged and set free, the attributes of woe are transformed into crowning glories.
It is just in this spirit of the Modenese poet that mankind has sought to take away from death its sting, from the grave its victory. That solemn moment in which, amorc monographs pdf download, for those who have gone before and for us who are to follow, the eye of sense beholds naught save the ending of the world, the entrance upon a black and silent eternity, the eye of faith declares to be the supreme moment of a new birth for the dis enthralled soul, the introduction to a new era of life compared with which the present one is not worthy of the name Who can tell but that this which we call life is really death, from which what we call death is an awakening?
From this vantage ground of thought the human soul comes to look without dread upon the termination of this ter restrial existence. The failure of the bodily powers, the stoppage of the fluttering pulse, amorc monographs pdf download, amorc monographs pdf download cold stillness upon the features so lately wreathed in smiles of merriment, the corruption of the tomb, the breaking of the ties of love, the loss of all that has given value to existence, the dull blankness of irremediable sorrow, amorc monographs pdf download, the knell of everlasting farewells, all this is seized upon by the sov ereign imagination of man and transformed into a scene of transcend ing glory, such as in all the vast career of the universe is reserved for humanity alone.
In the highest of creatures the Divine immanence has acquired sufficient concentration and steadiness to survive the dissolution of the flesh and assert an individuality untrammelled by the limitations which in the present life everywhere persistently surround it. Upon this view death is not a calamity but a boon, not a punishment inflicted upon Man, but the supreme manifestation of his exceptional prerogative as chief among God's creatures.
Thus the faith in immortal life is the great poetic achievement of the human mind, it is all-pervasive, it is concerned with every moment and every aspect of our existence as moral individuals, and it is the one thing that makes this world inhabitable for beings constructed like ourselves.
The destruction of this sublime poetic conception would be like depriving a planet of its atmosphere; it would leave nothing but a moral desert as cold and dead as the savage surface of the moon. We have now to consider this supreme poetic achievement of man his belief in his own Immortality in the light of our modern studies of evolution; we must notice some distinctions between its earlier and later stages, and briefly examine some of the objections which have been alleged in the name of science against the validity of the belief Here, as in all departments of the efflorescence of the human amorc monographs pdf download, the beginnings were lowly, and necessarily so, amorc monographs pdf download.
Nothing very lofty or far-reaching could be expected from the kind of brain that was en cased in the Neanderthal skull, amorc monographs pdf download. Among existing savages there are tribes concerning which travellers have doubted whether they pos sess ideas that can properly be called religious, amorc monographs pdf download.
But wherever un tutored humanity exists we amorc monographs pdf download the conception of a world of ghosts more or less distinctly elaborated; the thronging simulacra of departed tribesmen linger near their accustomed haunts, keenly sen sitive to favour or neglect, amorc monographs pdf download quick to punish all infractions of the rules which the stern exigencies of life in the wilderness have prescribed for the conduct of the tribe, amorc monographs pdf download.
This crude primeval ghost- world is thus already closely associated with the ethical side of life, and out of this association have grown some of the most co lossal governing agencies by which the development of human society has been influenced. It is therefore not without reason that mod ern students of anthropology devote so much time to animism and fe tishism and other crude workings of that savage intelligence of which the primeval ghost-world is a product.
It amorc monographs pdf download not at all unlikely that the savage's notion of ghosts may have originated chiefly in his experience of dreams, and this is the explanation at present most in favour. The sleeping warrior ranges far and wide over the country, amorc monographs pdf download, while he chases the buffalo and joins in the medicine dance with comrades known to have died yet now as active and as voluble as himself, but suddenly the scene changes and he is back in his familiar hut surrounded by his people who can testify that he has not for a moment left them.
It is not unlikely, I say, that the notion of one's conscious self as some thing which can quit the material body and return to it may have started in such often-repeated humble experiences. It can hardly be doubted, however, that this savage conception of the detachable conscious self is simply the primitive phase of the Christian con ception of the conscious soul which dwells within the perishable body and quits it at death.
Through many stages of elaboration and refinement the sequence between the two conceptions is unmistakable. At this point the materialist interposes with an argument which he regards as crushing. He reminds us that if we would estimate the value of an idea, as of a race-horse or a mastiff, it is well to take a look at its pedigree. What, then, is to be said he scornfully asksr-of a doctrine of personal immortality which when reduced to its lowest terms is seen amorc monographs pdf download have started in a savage's misinterpretation of his dreams?
What more is needed to prove it unworthy of the seri ous attention of a scientific student of nature? On the other hand, the student whose mood is truly scientific will feel that one of mankind's cardinal beliefs must not be dismissed too lightly because of the crudeness and error in that primitive stratum of human thought in which it first took root.
In his perceptions within amorc monographs pdf download limits the savage is eminently keen and accurate, but when it comes to intel lectual judgments that go at all below the surface of things his mind is a mere farrago of grotesque fancies, wherein, nevertheless, some kernels of truth are here and there embedded. It is a long way from the dragon swallowing the sun to the interposition of the moons body between us and the luminary. The dragon was a figment of fancy, but the eclipse was none the less a fact.
Now if we may take an illustration from the workings of an infant's mind, it is amorc monographs pdf download clearly made out that as baby sits propped among his pillows and turns his eyes hither and thither in following his mother's movements to and fro in the room, she seems in coming toward him to enlarge and in going away to diminish in size, like Alice in Wonderland.
It is only with the education of the eye and the small muscles which adjust it that the larger area subtended on the retina instantly means comparative nearness and the smaller area comparative remoteness. At first the sensations are interpreted directly, and the impression upon baby's nascent intelligence is a gross error. The mother is not waxing great and small by turns, but only approach ing and receding. If, however, amorc monographs pdf download, we consider that in baby's mind the enlarged retinal spot means more and the diminished spot less of the pleasurable feelings excited by a familiar and gracious presence, amorc monographs pdf download, the approach of which is greeted with smiles and outstretched arms, while its departure is bemoaned with cries and tears, we see that as to the essentials of the situation the dawning intelligence is entirely right, although its specific interpretation is quite wrong.
Mamma has not really dwindled and vanished like the penny in a conjurer's palm, but has only flitted from the field of vision. The all- important fact is that this dreaming savage has somehow acquired a mental attitude toward death which is totally different from that of all other animals, and is therefore peculiarly human.
Throughout the half-dozen invertebrate branches or sub-kingdoms, where intelligence is manifested only in its lower forms of reflex action and instinct, we find no evidence that any creature has come to know of death. There is a sense, no doubt, in which we may say that the love of life is universal. As a rule, all animals shun danger, and natural selec tion maintains this rule by the pitiless slaughter of all delinquents, of all in whom the needful inherited tendencies are too weak.
Among invertebrates, even when we get so high as lobsters and cuttle fish, the consciousness attendant upon the seizing of prey and the escape from enemies probably does not extend beyond the facts within the immediate sphere of vision. Even among those ants that have mar shalled hosts and grand tactics there is doubtless no such thing as meditation of death. Passing to the vertebrates, it is not until we reach the warm-blooded birds and mammals that we find what we are seeking.
Among sundry birds and mammals we see indications of a dawning recognition of the presence of death, amorc monographs pdf download. An early manifestation is the sense of bereavement when the maternal instinct is rudely disturbed, as in the cow mourning for her calf. This feeling goes a little way, but not a great way, beyond the sense of physical dis comfort, and is soon relieved by milking.
Much more intense and abiding is the feeling of bereavement among birds that mate for life, and among the higher apes, and it reaches its culmination in the dog whose intelligence and affections have been so profoundly modified through his immensely long comradeship with man. Nowhere in literature do we strike upon a deeper note of pathos than in Scott's immortal lines on the dog who starved while watching his young master's life less body, alone upon a Highland moor: "How long didst thou think that his silence was slumber?
When the wind stirred his garment, how oft didst thou start! More power of abstraction and generalization was needed. While the sight of the killing of a fellow-creature may arouse violent terror in the higher mammals below man, there is nothing to indicate that the sight of the dead body awakens in the dumb spectator any general conceptions in which his own ultimate doom is included.
The only feeling aroused seems to vary between utter in difference and faint curiosity. Professor Shaler makes a statement of cardinal importance in this connection when he says: "If we should seek some one mark which, in the intellectual advance from the brutes to man, might denote the passage to the human side, we might well find it in the moment when it dawned on the nascent man that death was a mystery which he had in his turn to meet.
Such is ttye case with permanently mated birds and with the higher apes, amorc monographs pdf download, while the case of the dog, amorc monographs pdf download, exceptional as it is through his acquired dependence upon man, has similar implica tions. Now I have elsewhere proved and repeatedly illustrated that the leading peculiarity which distinguished man's apelike progenitors from all other creatures was the progressive increase in the duration of infancy, which was a direct consequence of expanding intelligence, and was moreover the immediate cause of the genesis of the human family and of human society.
It appears now that the realizing sense of death, such as we find it in untutored men of primitive habits of thought, has originated in the selfsame circumstances which have wrought the mighty change from gregariousness to sociality, from the general level of mammalian existence to the unique level of humanity.
I have elsewhere called attention to the profoundly interesting fact that the notion of an Unseen World beyond that in which we lead our daily lives is coeval with the earliest beginnings of Humanity upon our planet. We may now observe that it adds greatly to the interest and to the significance of this fact, amorc monographs pdf download, when we find that the very cir cumstances which tended to single out our progenitors, and raise them from the average mammalian level into Manhood, tended also amorc monographs pdf download make them realize the problem of death and meet it with a solution.
The grouping of facts now begins to make it appear that this primeval solution was but the natural outcome of the whole cosmic process amorc monographs pdf download had gone before?
The long and cumulative play of cause and effect which wrought the lengthening of the period of helpless babyhood and the correlative maternal care, and which thus differentiated the non human horde amorc monographs pdf download primates into a group of human clans, was attended by a strong development amorc monographs pdf download the sympathetic feelings as it vastly increased the mutual dependence among individuals.
During the same period the gradual acquirement of articulate speech was accompanied by a great increase in the powers of abstraction and generalization. These new capacities were applied to the interpretation of death, just as they were applied to all otner things; and thus, in the very process of becoming human, our progenitors arose to the consciousness of death as something with which humanity has amorc monographs pdf download and everywhere to reckon.
From the earliest and most rudimentary stages of the process, however, the conception of death was not of an event which puts an end to human individuality, amorc monographs pdf download of an event which human individuality sur vives. If we look at the circumstances of the genesis of mankind purely from the naturalist's point of view, it cannot fail to be highly significant that the mental attitude amorc monographs pdf download death should from the first have assumed this form, that the human soul should from the start have felt itself encompassed not only by the endless multitude of visible and tangible and audible things, but also by an Unseen World.
In view of this striking fact it is of small moment that the earliest generalizations which in course of time developed into a world of ghosts and demons were grotesquely erroneous. Primitive theorizing is sure to be faulty and in the light of later knowledge comes to seem absurd and bizarre. Such has been in modern days the fate of the savage's ghost-world, along with the Ptolemaic astronomy, the doctrine of signatures, and many another sample of the "wisdom of the ancients.
To this question as to the truth of the assumption I shall return in the sequel. We have very briefly sketched the manner of its origina tion, and here we may leave this part of our subject with the amorc monographs pdf download that the belief in a future life, in a world unseen to mortal eyes, is not only coeval with the beginnings of the human race but is also co extensive with it in all its subsequent stages of development.
It is in short one of the differential attributes of humanity. Man is not only tne primate who possesses articulate speech and the power of abstract reasoning, who is characterized by a long period of plastic infancy and a corresponding capacity for progress, who is grouped in societies of which tne primordial units were clans; he is not only all this, but he is the creature who expects to survive the event of physi cal death.
This expectation was one of his acquisitions gained while attaining to the human plane of existence, and the interesting question in the natural history of man is whether it is to be regarded as a permanent acquisition, or is rather analogous to the organ that sub serves, perhaps through long ages, amorc monographs pdf download, an important but temporary purpose, after the fulfilment of which it dwindles into a rudiment neglected and forgotten.
I do not overlook the existence of divers theological systems in which the attitude toward a future life is very different from that with which our Christian education has made us familiar. We sometimes hear such systems cited as exceptions to the alleged universality of the human belief in immortality. The Buddhist looks forward through myriads of successive sentient existences to a culminating amorc monographs pdf download of Nirwana sicwhich if not actual amorc monographs pdf download is at least complete quiescence, the absolute zero of being.
It hardly needs saying, how ever, amorc monographs pdf download, that Buddhistic theology, though it may have arrived at such a zero through long flights of metaphysical reasoning, is nevertheless based in all its foundations upon the primitive belief in man's survival of death.
Sometimes it is said that the Jews of the Old Testament times had no proper conception of immortality. It can hardly be maintained, amorc monographs pdf download, how ever, amorc monographs pdf download, that such stories as that of the conversation at Endor between the living Saul and the dead Samuel could emanate from a people desti tute of belief in a life after death.
In point of fact ancient Jewish thought abounds in traces of the primitive ghost-world. It is only by contrast with the glorious and inspiring Christian development of the belief in immortality that the earlier dispensation seems so jejune and meagre in its faith.
There was little to arouse religious emotion in the dismal world of flitting shadows, the Sheol or Hades from which the Greek hero would so gladly have escaped, even to take the most menial position in all the sunlit world.
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MASTER MONOGRAPH TEMPLE SECTION S ROSICRUCIAN ORDER _____ A M o w r: * ’ Thi* monograph always remains the property of ffie Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C.!t is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member. Old AMORC monograph - Free download as PDF File .pdf) or read online for free. Old AMORC monograph, grade /5(8). The ZIP file presents the "Atrium 1" publications of the so-called Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), a US based rosicrucian order, as part of the order's "Master Monographs" (writings).
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